Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Brain Chemistry Argument for Materialism

Materialism comes from monism that states that everything exsists is made up of matter. The soul, mind, or spirit does not exist. The only thing that exsists is the matter. Brain Chem. arguement supports materialism because it says the people's feelings are dependent on the amount that we sleep, the foods we eat, the different hormones that are working. If this is true, Humans are just a electrochemical system and does not have a mind soul or spirit.

Ramachandran's first example is Capgras syndrom which is that people cannot remember the faces due to a big injury to the brain. This supports brain chemestry because it says that the brain is not functioning properly due to the chemical problems from the accident. This can affect the way people act towards the people that they care and love.

His second example was the mirror box which could heal phantom limb cases. This was to fix the different pains that were caused by this disease. All they need to do is look in the mirror at their fuctioning arm and imagine that they are moving their phantom arm. This supports the chemical argument because we can relate the pain to our what our brain thinks and how the chemical reactions do.

The last one is synesthesia. It is when people see colors as numbers vice versa. This shows that people can recognize things by our brain chemicals and not with our minds. This whos us that we are all machines without feelings. All the feelings that we have is from the different chemicals in our brain.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

truman thingy

agency theory


milgram's experiment

The agency theory says that a free act is a act caused by a agent. A agent is any person who has a knowledge or any person who does something. This theory also says that all events has causes and the cause is made by the agent, not by our inner feelings. The theory also agrees partially with (UC) Principle of Universal Casuality, since it says that every event that happens has a cause, but the events that does not have a long casual chain of history.

This relates to the experiment because in the experiement, 40 different men are given questions and a control system to ask another person in another room the questions, and if they answer it wrong, then the person is shocked, and for each wrong answer you get shocked harder. Then the people in charge start to slow down because they feel that it is wrong but the master says to continue. But really, there are no people getting shocked in the next room. This shows that the men are free to act and they can choose if they want to continue or not but there is always going to be a supervisor or a agent and they really make the choices.

philo vid PHILO by arttangpanit

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Truman show

I believe that he will excape. The reason why I say this is because of his motivation of trying to get out of there. He knows that its not right, and finds different clues to how this is not real for exsample the lift, and his wife crossing fingers.He has already had a outside source tell him that its fake, which is the girl he really likes. I think that he will excape by contacting that girl and helping him find a way out to this fake world. Or, my second thought is that he will start attacking people until they tell him whats happening. >_> 

morally right blog

They said that I'm one of the 28% of approx. 2000 people to say that killing others or taking others lives were morally wrong in any situation. And it said that I am a person that thinks that leaving the world alone is better. I think that its accurate. I do not beleive that you can take a life without telling them or lying to them for instance the doctor. She did not tell the kids what she was doing and she lied to them instead of telling them before she took their lives. I also beleive that whatever's going to happen will happen and that its never right to take their lives like that